What professional dancers discovered years ago, the NFL, NBA, MLB and more are discovering now – that Pilates is one of the best forms of conditioning a top-tier athlete can participate in.
Pilates’ integration of the trunk, pelvis and shoulder girdle and emphasis on proper breathing, correct spinal and pelvic alignment and smooth flowing movement allow athletes to access each part of the body individually, and become familiar with the functional mechanics.
With Pilates training, athletes can hit the ball farther, run faster, jump higher – and they do it without pain or injury to themselves. But don’t take our word for it. Check out these professional sports organizations. All of them use Balanced Body® equipment as a crucial adjunct to their strength and conditioning regimen:-
Minnesota Timberwolves
New Jersey Nets
Orlando Magic
Washington Wizards
Detroit Lions
Green Bay Packers
Tampa Bay Buccaneers
Milwaukee Brewers
“Pilates workouts using Balanced Body® reformers are an excellent conditioning tool for the NBA. The strength, agility and performance of my players have increased and Pilates has become such an essential part of our workouts that we take a reformer to our away games. I even have a Studio Reformer® for my own home use.”
— Lawrence Frank, NBA Coach
my PilatesSTRONG is a Balanced Body® studio with Balanced Body® Studio Reformers and equipment

Ready to try Pilates on Reformers and experience what it can do for your sport?
Click here for a complimentary Introductory Class
Your body will AMAZE you!